Rod Liddle, Maggie Thatcher and ‘Allahu Akbar’.

Rod Liddle, the associate editor of the Spectator Magazine and former BBC radio programme producer, came out against the sentencing of Anjem Choudary, the tin-pot Islamist firebrand in his latest article. Mr. Choudary is now being treated to the hospitality of Her Majesty’s slammer for apparently running his mouth well beyond what is acceptable in today’s climate.

More so, Liddle treated his readers to a witty account of the culprit’s supporters exclaiming ‘Allahu Akbar’ upon hearing the judge’s verdict.

According to Liddle, chanting ‘Allahu Akbar’ (God is Great) Continue reading

Why Margaret Thatcher hearted Islamists

Upon Margaret Thatcher’s death, her champions naturally eulogised her as a fighter for liberal democracy in Eastern Europe, while her detractors brought attention to the fact that she was highly supportive, even complimentary, of dictators and apartheid in the Global South such as Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Chile, Indonesia and South Africa as well as her assistance to the genocidal Khmer Rouge in Cambodia.

Overlooked in both scenarios is her support of political Islamism and by extension Jihadis. Here is Thatcher in December 1979, advocating a political Islam as a counterweight to left-wing or communist ideology which she derogatively dubbed “imported Marxism”:

“I do not believe that we should judge Islam by events in Iran…There is a tide of self-confidence and self-awareness in the Muslim world which preceded the Iranian revolution, and will outlast its present excesses. The West should recognise this with respect, Continue reading