David Aaronovich and the Lie of the “Statue-Toppling Spree”

Perennial warmonger and Rupert Murdoch hack, David Aaronovich continues kicking away at the now defeated Jeremy Corbyn attempt to take charge of the British state. The Johnson-Cummings duo routed Labour more than six months ago in an electoral landslide which on paper guarantees a Tory government for at least the next five years.

But old habits die hard and Aaronovich not only wants Corbyn types defeated but well and truly buried to the extent that such an egalitarian threat never arises again. In his latest article he singles out Corbyn’s predecessor, Ed Miliband, for special attention claiming that the, “magic seeds of the Corbyn beanstalk were sown in a period when Mr. Miliband distanced himself from his immediate Labour predecessors…” Truly shocking that Miliband had wanted to distance himself from none other than Tony Blair. What type of moron would want to do that? Continue reading