Pathologising Palestinians to Revive Eugenic Genocide

The current Zionist barbaric onslaught against Palestinians in Gaza is a continuation of Britain’s Zionist-colonial project and the resistance to it ever since the project was officially launched when the British government issued the Balfour Declaration in 1917 to establish a ‘Jewish home’ in Palestine. In the three decades that followed the launch, European colonial-settler population increased by hundreds of thousands under British military auspices and against the wishes of the indigenous Palestinian population. In effect, Britain midwifed the Zionist colonial-setler project in occupied Palestine so it is no surprise the British establishment and its mainstream media have unanimously and enthusiastically defended the Zionist colonial project’s never ending wars against the indigenous population.

After the Palestinian resistance’s advance, led by HAMAS, on October 7th, the British and western media unsurprisingly whipped themselves into a frenzy and furnished their pages and websites with lurid and unsubstantiated stories about the resistance’s alleged indiscriminate killing which included tales about decapitated babies and raped women….

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